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My research lies in the intersection of research on mathematical cognition and equity research. These two areas in mathematics education have been positioned as having incommensurable or even competing goals. Research on individual cognition also continues to struggle to account for and respond to the sociopolitical realities of minoritized students’ lives. I connect the two areas using the construct of narratives, which refer to socially circulated and reified stories.I focus primarily in the context of undergraduate mathematics. 

Aim 1
Understanding and dismantling deficit perspectives

Dismantling deficit narratives about minoritized student requires a critical examination into dominant discourses in mathematics  education, including individual perspectives on students and their mathematics.

Aim 2
Developing anti-deficit teaching and learning 

Anti-deficit approaches focus on students' resources while explicitly attending to and challenging deficit narratives. Doing so is challenging and can run counter to dominant practices in mathematics.

Aim 3

Constructing sense making counter-stories

Stories of mathematical success and excellence with minoritized students challenge deficit narratives about them. This is one specific role individual cognitive studies can play in humanizing students and mathematics

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